This post has nothing to do with testing. Just blogging my frustration.
Prospect calls company and asks to be connected to the sales team. The conversation is as follows:
Prospect: Hello, Can i speak to Mr.Xyz, VP sales?
VP Sales: Yes speaking, what can i do for you?
Prospect: We are interested in your IV & V services. Can you share your offerings?
VP Sales: We offer everything. Name it and you will have it.
Prospect: We have a testing requirement which is slightly complex but
(VP Sales interrupts)
VP Sales: There is nothing complex to us. We have 18000 man years of experience in testing.
Prospect: Ok, we need 2 resources at onsite for this requirement. The requirement is, we have 2 african lions suffering from digestion issues. We need a 2 testers(1 for each lion) to come open the lion's mouth some time after every meal and test if the food has digested properly.
VP Sales: Hmm..this is little challenging but i am sure we can do it. Hold on for a second. Let me pull in my Delivery Manager
VP Sales: So ABC, you are there right..ok..ABC is our Global Delivery Manager taking care of local operations. ABC, they have a simple requirement to test. I am sure we can do it. Can we talk about the rates?
ABC: What's the requirement?
VP Sales: Test if digestion is happening correctly..That's all
ABC: But how do we..
VP Sales: (Interrupts) You remember a similar case we did in Europe 2 years back..The customer was so happy with our "Blackbox Digestion Testing"
Prospect: Can you give us the reference?
VP Sales: No Problem. Once the contract gets signed, we'll give the reference.
Prospect: And can you get onsite resources? We also need substantial evidence on your capabilities.
VP Sales: Just a second..(Puts the line on mute). ABC, can we have 2 testers go to the nearby zoo tomorrow?
ABC: Yeah but why?
VP Sales: (Releases mute) To give you confidence what we can do is have a video shoot of the digestion process done by our testers which we can share over Webex or GoToMeeting. ABC has agreed to do it tomorrow evening itself. What would be your convenient time?
Prospect: Sounds like a plan. We can do it at 9 PST.
VP Sales: Allright cool, looks like we are all on the same page. Also, please note that the video shoot PoC is free of cost for you. Can we talk about the rates?
Prospect: Our current tester from the vendor side has lost 1 hand since he joined and now we have started paying them 2500$. We can start from 1500$ in your case.
VP Sales: I suggest that you don't pay us until we lose both the hands which in a way would prove the value of our services
Prospect: Excellent. Look forward to seeing the video shoot tomorrow.
VP Sales: I will in fact try my best to send it tonight. Convey my regards to the lions. I am sure they will enjoy our services. In case you have any questions or need more discounts anything, please let me know. Thanks. Oh sorry..forgot to tell you something. If you add more than 4 lions, we give a Project Manager free of cost as value add. Keep that in mind.
Prospect: Sure Ok. Have a great day.