Test Coverage - PICT Tool from Microsoft

A year ago, I wrote about Pairwise Test Case Generation tool here. Now , somehow that tool was not available (atleast for free) and I searched for another pairwise generation tool and I got it too.. It is from Microsoft and you can rely it 100% and it is much more matured than the previous one.

This tool, by Microsoft, consist of a text file input and almost having a mini language with which we can form complex conditions in our Test Coverage, for e.g.

(i) We can give weightage to factors, In other words, IE(10), FF(5) means, Internet Explorer has more weightage than FireFox.

(ii) We can give conditions such as

IF OS = WIN7 THEN OFFICE<>2003 (means, we dont have the test environment of Office 2003  Windows 7 Operating System) etc.

Google for PICT tool from Microsoft site.

A Simple text file and a command line tool will give you a optimum test coverage matrix.

I am here mentioning a sample input file

# Sample Input File
# A hash at the beginning makes the line as comment
# My Test Coverage is across Operating Systems (OS) , Browsers , MS Office Versions, Databases across servers and clients
# Here is the sample file

Client_OS: Win XP, Win7, Redhat
Server OS: Win 2003, Win 2008 R2, HP_UX
Database: SQLServer(10), Oracle 10g
Browser: IE7, IE8, IE9, FF09, FF10, FF11
Locale: EN(10), DE, JP

IF [Client_OS] = "Redhat" THEN [Browser] like "FF??";

IF [Server_OS] = "HP_UX" THEN [Database] = "Oracle10g";


Client_OS Server_OS Database Browser Locale
Win XP Win 2003 SQLServer FF11 DE
Win XP HP_UX Oracle IE8 JP
Win7 Win 2008 R2 SQLServer IE9 EN
Win7 Win 2008 R2 Oracle IE8 DE
Redhat Win 2003 Oracle FF09 DE
Win XP HP_UX Oracle FF09 EN
Win XP Win 2008 R2 SQLServer IE7 JP
Win7 Win 2003 Oracle IE9 JP
Redhat Win 2008 R2 SQLServer FF10 JP
Win XP HP_UX Oracle IE9 DE
Redhat HP_UX Oracle FF11 EN
Win7 HP_UX Oracle FF10 DE
Win7 Win 2003 SQLServer IE8 EN
Win7 Win 2008 R2 SQLServer FF09 JP
Win7 Win 2008 R2 SQLServer FF11 JP
Win XP Win 2003 SQLServer FF10 EN
Win7 Win 2003 Oracle IE7 DE
Win XP HP_UX Oracle IE7 EN

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